
Recommendations of Ischigualasto Provincial Park

All activities are done with Guide.
Check before you do any activity with the Ranger Guides.
Do not cross the indicated fence with “black rocks” in each season.
Observe area codes and signs – Avoid accidents.
If you observe non-permitted activities within the Provincial Park, notify the Ranger Guide.
Protect yourself from the sun.
Do not light a fire.
Remember to store your waste and then deposit it in the authorized places.
Avoid entering with pets. If it does, it must be tied.
Protect the cultural and paleontological heritage of the area.
Do not disturb or feed the fauna, just observe it at a reasonable distance.
Do not destroy the flora.
Do not collect parts.

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Parque Provincial Ischigualasto
Parque Provincial Ischigualasto
Parque Provincial Ischigualasto